

Bunga spiral dari Felt (Twirl Felt Flower)

Saya dapat ide bikin bunga ini dari paper quilling, ternyata lumayan lucu diaplikasikan pake kain felt, mengerjakannya segampang 1 2 3, dan begini caranya;

I have this idea from paper quilling, and it's apparently cute enough on felt, it's as easy as 1 2 3, and here's the how to;

siapkan bahan-bahannya: kain felt (gunting dengan ukuran sesuka anda), gunting, kain pelapis, lem, tusuk sate (tdk ada digambar)

gathered the material: felt (cut stripey), scissor, batting, all purposed glue, bamboo skewer (not pictured)

gulung kain felt dengan bantuan tusuk sate

twirl felt using the bamboo skewer

lem satu per satu pada kain pelapis, hasil saya seperti ini, daaan selesai! Saya kan sudah bilang caranya segampang 1 2 3 :))

attach each petal on batting, mine look like this, aand it's finish! I told you it's as easy as 1 2 3 :))

oya, ditambah daun juga bagus, dan jangan lupa potong sisa bahan pelapis

ow, you can also add leaves and don't forget to trim the excess batting

saya agak terbawa suasana dan bikin bentuk yang lain

i  got carried away and made other shapes 

saya buat menjadi cincin ( menggunakan kain felt yang dilingkarkan di jari atau menggunakan karet)

i made as a ring ( making ring from circled felt or elastic)

sebagai hiasan di bando

to embelish my headband

atau sebagai hiasan kulkas, bersama pembuka tutup botol coca cola saya

or as a fridge magnet, along my coca cola cap opener

p.s: did you see the background fabric on the photos, it's BATIK, it's Indonesian fabric heritage. And yes I am Indonesian


Maya Kuzman said...

Oh, how beautiful!
I have to try this! My daughter will go nuts after the ring! :)

Thanks for leaving a comment!

role playing mom said...

Thanks to you too, for the lovely comment and stop by :))

Linda said...

I love your tutorial and put it up on Craft Gossip Felting, where I am the editor. please stop by and leave a comment:

Linda Lanese

role playing mom said...

thanks linda. i'ts being an honor to me to be featured on your blog, sure I will visiting your blog right away *I'm writing this with my hand shaking for happines, err or is it the coffee? umm... :))

rinaaulia said...

hai mbak!
saya baru mau mulai berkreasi dengan flanel. Gampang banget ya bikinnya... cantik lagi...
Thanks for sharing ya mbak!!!

role playing mom said...

heheee .. keep up the good work ya

Anonymous said...

Sy browsing aneka craft dr felt di situs luar, eh ujung2xnya ada yg ngerefer ke situs dlm negeri juga :) nice idea utk back ground batiknya mbak