

Nenek, Inspirasiku (Grandmom, my inspiration)

Saya suka banget sama sesuatu yg berbau seni dan kerajinan tangan, tapi sayangnya kebisaan saya semua cuma setengah-setengah, karena saya gak pernah secara khusus kursus atau masuk sekolah jurusan tertentu.
Semua saya pelajari secara otodidak, kakek saya dulu pelukis istana waktu zaman Bung Karno, saya sering melihat beliau mencampur warna dan melukis, jadi saya sedikitnya tau cara menggambar, tentunya saya kebagian nyuci kanvas waktu itu, hehehe.
Sedangkan nenek sangat pintar menjahit, saya selalu menemani beliau dan memperhatikan bagaimana cara menjahit,  sebenarnya dia gak cuma pinter menjahit, tapi juga masak, bikin kerajinan tangan, dia bahkan mengganti sendiri genteng yang bocor :)), bener bener super deh, dan kayanya semua bakat bakat tersebut diwariskan ke saya, dalam melakukan apapun saya pantang bilang "tidak bisa" sebelum mencobanya, itu kenapa saya sangat suka mencoba hal hal baru, seperti menulis blog ini contohnya, bagi saya itu sebuah tantangan.

One of my grandmom's paintings

I really into art and craft, but I don't have enough talent because I never had a certain course or school related to art. I did it all by myself, by reading the book, or only by looking at the picture, you know? I can figure out and memorize how to make something  just by looking at the picture (with very confusing result also). My grandfather was a palace painter for Bung Karno, I used to watch him mixed color n drew, so I  know a little bit about how to drew, of course I am the one whose in-charge on cleaning the brush back there, lol.
My grandmom was good on sewing, I always company her and watch her sew, actually she was not only good on sewing, but also cooking, crafting, and she even repair the roof by herself, what a super granny or what? and I think she inherit me all of her talents to me, i try to not say "I can't" on doing anything before I tried to do it, that's why I like to try new things, like writing this blog for example, to me it's a challenge.


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