

Ooooo, seneng banget deh tas ini (Ooo, I just love this purse)

Liat ga? liat ga? keren kaaan?, oke kalo kenarsisan saya bikin kamu mual silahkan ambil kantong plastik sekarang. Hehhehe, lagi seneng banget, kemarin bikin tas kecil buat dipake sendiri jadi bikinnya juga ga terlalu niat dan pake bahan yang ada aja, tapi kok pas selesai jadi keren begini yaaa (silahkan ambil lagi plastiknya).
Pas buatnya saya ga kepikiran banget mo foto2 cara pembuatannya, jadi sorry ga bisa kasih tutorial bikin tasnya sekarang. Oya, menurut saya yang bikin jadi tambah unik talinya itu loh, itu juga bikin sendiri, saya tipe orang yang kalo udah ada maunya tuh, maju terus pantang mundur. Tadinya udah nyerah banget mo bikin tas ini, resletingnya bikin ribet, ini pertama kali saya pasang resleting, buat tas n pake resleting jepang pula, hhhhhh kebayang deh ribetnya, dari project2 yang saya buat (skala 1-10) tingkat kesulitannya ada di level 9.5. Kenapa saya mau ribet ribet pake resleting jepang segala, karena resleting biasanya ga ada n saya pengen tasnya hari ini udah jadi ..... seperti tadi saya bilang, maju terus pantang mundur :p
Saya janji bakal post tutorialnya kalo bikin yang begini lagi tapi kapan ya?? sementara saya kasih tau cara bikin talinya dulu aja ya ....... di post selanjutnya yang pasti, sekarang mo jadi chef dulu alias masak :))

Did you see? did you see it? cool eh? okay you can grab the bucket now if my narcistic makes you want to vomit, lol, I was soo excited, yesterday I made this purse fo my self with material that I have, so I wasn't expected this cool (you may grab your bucket, again).
As I said before I made it unpurposely so I didn't think to take the "how to photos", I am sorry if I can't give you the tute now. By the way, I think what makes the purse unique is the strap, or handle? I was making it by myself.
I happened to be a person who wants to do something, I want to do it, now! I was fed up actually, it was because the zipper, I used the narrow width zipper which supposed to used on making dress, put it on a purse is "totally fail' at lease for me, this is the first time I put zipper on fabric especially THAT kind of zipper, why am I bother to used that zipper? because I don't have any other zipper stock, and I need to wear the purse today ... like I said, do it now or never :p
I promise I will show you the tute someday, meanwhile I am going to show you how to tie the knot for the strap first ..... on the next post of course, I am going to be a chef now a.k.a making lunch for my family

update: I just know that THAT kind of zipper name is INVISIBLE ZIPPER, ha!


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